Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Holidays and New Semester

Hey everybody! Time for an update.

The holidays were awesome!! Thanksgiving was very nice and relaxing (and tasty), and it was so good to see everyone and also catch up with some friends. However, I quickly found myself missing Provo way more than I expected to! I missed my friends and my routine.
Christmas was another story. From day one I was not missing this place one bit and it stayed that way the entire two weeks! I don't really know what the difference was. Probably the fact that the semester was over and I was back on a clean slate; I didn't feel like coming back and starting all over again! But anyway it was sweet to be home. It felt like nothing had changed and that I had never left, but at the same time that a LOT had changed. I went back to work at Mr. Pizza for some extra money, which was a good time, and Shannon was nice enough to give me a lot of hours. I also got to hang out with quite a few high school friends, which felt really good too! I loved being able to spend time with the fam just hanging out and having fun. There's no place like home:)
(This is out of order but) finals went pretty well too. If you would've asked me in the middle of finals week how they were going, I probably would've just choked out some sort of "they're going alright" or something like that. Haha it was looking pretty sketchy there for a while and I was getting really disappointed with some of my scores. Mostly I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get good enough grades to keep my scholarship for next year, because I was either below or on the border of a good grade in almost every class. Anyway, somehow everything turned out totally fine and I got the grade I needed or better in every single class. And my scholarship is intact! So that sweetened up my Christmas break even more haha.
So this semester's classes started yesterday. Yesterday I had only one class, which was my communication disorders intro class. I loved it!! I'm so excited. My teacher is great and I can tell I'm going to love the subject. Today I had the rest of my classes. They went well too, but I can tell it's going to be a challenge! I'm only taking half a credit more than last semester, but it feels like 5 more haha. I think it'll take just lots of organization and focus and I'll be good! So my goals right now are to get into a good homework routine and get everything squared away, and also to find a JOB so I don't starve. I've applied to a few places, but we'll see how it goes. I'll post if anything happens!
Anyway, sorry if this post is pretty rambly. It sounds more like one of my journal entries haha, but I just wanted to be up to date on everything. pictures:( Darn it!


  1. Glad you had a good break! It was nice to see ya and so funny to walk into Mr. Pizza for lunch and see ya behind the ol' counter!

    Glad the first semester turned out okay for ya. Gotta hang on to the free school as long as possible!! Good luck with everything this semester and hopefully we will see ya sometime this summer.

  2. Hey...glad you are back and safe. Maybe you will visit us a little more this semester too! ;-)

    If it sounds like a journal..maybe it is! That is how I use my blog. I don't keep a journal and someday maybe I will save up enough pennies to print it off.

    Hope the semester goes well for you and that you'll have some fun too. Oh, yeah...did you get my text about the Super Bowl? Just let us know.

    Love ya...

  3. Danielle! I am so glad your semester went good:) Also so good to see you for a few weeks, we miss you already! Hope this semester goes as well, I am sure it will:) Good luck with the job hunt!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dani,

    So glad you could come home and that you enjoyed your break. It's good that you like your communications disorders class. You're going to do great in it. I had total faith in you for your last semester; you did awesome. And you ARE awesome. The mom knows. Miss ya lots, but glad you're having fun and doing what you ought to be doing!
