Sunday, July 25, 2010

Past and Future

So....a quick overview of my last summer at home so far. It's been great! A lot different than I expected but still good. I've been having a good time with my friends - I just love how during the summer you can do whatever the heck you want. I can just randomly decide to go swimming or go running or just do whatever. Life is good in that way.
I kept my job at Mr. Pizza, but I wanted a way to earn a little bit more money so I snatched a job at the snow shack. Let me tell's the funnest job ever! I don't know what it is about it but I love it. I can just chill there and read a book or do whatever and then make people happy by giving them delicious snow cones! The tips are great and I usually get pretty long shifts so it's good money. Not to mention the free snow cones I get and the fun I have experimenting with flavors. The one and only downside is the fact that it can get SUPER boring if it's not a busy day. But it's worth it for more college money! I can pretty much say that my diet this summer has consisted entirely of pizza, snow cones, and Taco Bell.

Speaking of college, now for the future part. At the end of August I'm moving down to Provo to go to BYU! I'm so dang excited. I love Shelley but it'll be so sweet to start again in a new place and make some new friends and figure myself out. Two of my best friends are also going to BYU, and we're living really close to eachother, so that'll be way fun! I'm glad I won't be ALL on my own. It'll be cool to experience it together. I'll also have Dustin and Amy there close so I'm sure we'll have fun. Me and my friend Jayde were laughing because when we went to register for classes it was like wait, what? We actually have to LEARN things? College isn't all just fun and games? I've still got a bit of shopping to do before I'm ready to move, but it's fun shopping. Only one month to go!

Today's song: "So Long, So Long" - Dashboard Confessional

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Ya, ya. I'm starting a blog. My reasoning being that there's gonna be a lot of "new's" in my life (new school, new apartment, new STATE, new ward, new friends,!) in the coming months so I might as well start a new blog. New is a weird word...... nnneewwww. Anyway, I'm going to clear some things up and set up some disclaimers right here and now:
1. I'm doing this for my family as much as I'm doing it for me. Momma's still trying to get used to the idea of her last kids being out of the house, so I thought this could help. Also now that I'll be out of the house this is a good way to let all y'all know what I'm up to.
2. I'm not promising a whole lot of pictures. I'm just not the type to carry my camera around with me a lot and whip it out into otherwise content situations. BUT I will definitely do my best and try to carry it around more! I love pictures, it's just a bad habit of mine to never take them.
3. For the next couple of months this blog is going to remain in a trial stage. I'm always gung-ho about things when I start them but they always end up fizzling out, so who knows how regular this will stay. But as with the pictures, I will do my best! I definitely want to keep this nice and updated.
That's about it for now! I'll post more stuff about my actual life on Sunday.

P.S. I'm going to try to post a song and a link to it each time I write. They won't necessarily have anything to do with the actual blog post but I think a person's taste in music can tell just as much about them as the person can. And I personally love to listen to music...ALL the time. Some will be new and some will be just one's that I'm especially loving at the time.

Today's: "Sweeter Than This" - Katie Herzig. Ignore the really REALLY cheesy music video :S