Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Spoke Too Soon...

So...I guess we could say that Search #2 is over! Yesterday I got a call from the Cougareat asking if I could come in and interview for a job today. Um...heck ya!

I applied there about a month ago when they had a ton of openings and but I never heard from them so I had completely forgot about it. So when they called me I was really surprised but really happy! I went to my interview this morning and then they called me a little bit later and told me they thought I did really well in the interview and asked if I would like the job. I'm so excited! It's not the best place I could've gotten, but I'm not complaining for sure. I'm taking what I can get. Plus I get some sweet discounts;) I just applied to the Cougareat in general so there was a number of different places they could've put me, so I ended up at Subway. I always told myself I would never ever work at Subway but... I guess I'm going back on that now haha.
So anyway, I said I would update when I found a job so here it is. I feel super blessed and lucky.
Oh, and I completely owned my Bio exam today. It's been a good week:)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

One Search Ends, Another Continues

Pretty good couple of weeks! Classes are going well, I've got 3 exams this week but I feel like I've got some good preparing time so I'm not too worried about them (yet). I've only been having two major stresses, and one of them is over thankfully. The time came for Jayde and I to have to start looking for a place to live for next fall and winter. It kind of sneaked up on me so we had to get started quickly. We took a couple of afternoons and drove around and looked at a ton of apartments. In some ways it was really fun, in other ways it was soooo.....frustrating! I'm sure you can all relate. There are just so many factors to consider and then the fact that mine and Jayde's tastes tend to differ didn't really help out a lot. But finally we found a place that I think we agree on. I really like it, so I hope no one's mind get's changed. Anyway it's called Sparks II. It's south of campus, and I didn't learn till after that it's the same place Dustin lived last summer.

Try not to be too blown away by it's fanciness;)'s got...BED-CAVES!

Haha ya...that was pretty much the selling point for me. Haha but anyway it feels good to have that taken care of and squared way. The search that is still continuing is the job search! I can't count how many places I've applied at, but anyway I'm still trying. I keep having to remind myself that it's not like I'm going to immediately DIE right when my bank account reaches zero, but it's still frustrating. out. Ha...
Today was awesome because me and the sibs got to hang out and watch the Superbowl together. The Keesler's let us come over and join their party so Me, Devrey, Dustin and Amy, and Kevin and Tiffany all got to be together. It was great! I really don't care about football, but family is awesome haha. Thanks for the invite and everything, Tiffany!
Anyway that's about it for now, I hope everyone is doing great! Hope to see you all soon!:)