I Spoke Too Soon...
So...I guess we could say that Search #2 is over! Yesterday I got a call from the Cougareat asking if I could come in and interview for a job today. Um...heck ya!
I applied there about a month ago when they had a ton of openings and but I never heard from them so I had completely forgot about it. So when they called me I was really surprised but really happy! I went to my interview this morning and then they called me a little bit later and told me they thought I did really well in the interview and asked if I would like the job. I'm so excited! It's not the best place I could've gotten, but I'm not complaining for sure. I'm taking what I can get. Plus I get some sweet discounts;) I just applied to the Cougareat in general so there was a number of different places they could've put me, so I ended up at Subway. I always told myself I would never ever work at Subway but... I guess I'm going back on that now haha.
So anyway, I said I would update when I found a job so here it is. I feel super blessed and lucky.
Oh, and I completely owned my Bio exam today. It's been a good week:)
Woohoo!!! Way to go on finding a job you sandwich artist you!! I think Subway would be fun to work at, and a food discount, can't beat that:) Also, great job on the Bio test!