Sunday, August 15, 2010

Road Trip! Concert Fun

Woooooo what a great weekend! My friends and I love concerts, and this weekend we went to a couple of great ones. And guess what? I have pictures!
So Friday afternoon we drove down to Salt Lake for the first one, Jack Johnson! He's one of my favorites and I've always wanted to see him in concert, so when we heard he was coming to Salt Lake we quickly started planning. He performed at the Usana Amphitheater in West Valley. That place is HUGE! We went cheap on the tickets this time so we got the lawn seating, which was the farthest away. We could barely see the people on the stage but it was still really cool and a little different experience sitting on the lawn rather than in the pit or in seats.

Here's a picture just to show you how far away we were!

Our little group! Me, Jacob, Jayde, and poor wisdom-toothless Colby, AKA "Chubs"

Me and Jacob "THSO EXTHITED!"

Me and lovely Jayde

So ya that concert was a really good time! I tried to get some pictures of Jack and stuff but unsurprisingly none of them turned out. It was really cool though because it was outdoors and everything so there was this nice little breeze, and also the meteor shower was still going on so we caught a few shooting stars during the concert!
Since they weren't fans of the next concert, that night Jayde and Colby went home along with our other friend Zach, who came with but didn't go to the Jack Johnson. So Jacob and I drove to Payson and stayed the night at Kevin and Tiffany's house (thanks again!!). We woke up Saturday morning and then drove to Provo to say hi to Dustin and Amy and deliver a couple things to them. We hung out at their sweet little apartment for about an hour until they had to leave. After that we had a bunch of time to kill before the concert so we wandered around Provo. We looked around campus a little bit and then had some lunch. Then we decided to go see a movie so we drove to the theater and for the second time saw INCEPTION YAAAA!!! I love that movie.
So after that it was pretty much time to get in line for Benton Paul. Benton isn't very well known, but we're huge fans. I saw him when he opened for a David Archuleta concert I went to and instantly liked him! He happens to be LDS and even sings one of the songs on an EFY cd. He's got a little bit different style so that's why some people aren't too into him.
ANYWAY so we got in line and while we were waiting we met some really cool kids who were about our age. They let us play cards with them and pass the time until the doors opened. I wish I would've gotten a picture with them but I didn't :(

The show was at this really cool tiny place in Provo called the Velour

Sweet style!

Finally the doors opened and we could go inside. We got there early enough to be in the second row! It was pretty much just a big room that you stand in with a stage. I have to say this concert was even more enjoyable than Jack Johnson because we were so dang close to Benton! He put on an awesome awesome show and it was cool at the end because when he came out for his last "encore" song, he sat right down on the edge of the stage and sang a little acoustic song. So he was pretty freakishly close to us.

It was hard to get a good picture in there!

After that was over we knew he was going to come outside to meet people. So we waited and after not to long, sure enough there he was! We had to wait in a little line but then it was our turn and we got to talk to him. We actually met him back in February, when we came to another show at the Velour, so it was cool to meet him again! Sadly he didn't remember us but oh well haha. But he is super super nice and gave me a picture and an autograph!

Basically that was the highlight of my weekend, but it was all great! After Benton's show we drove back to Payson to get some sleep, and then we left really early Sunday morning and got home around 9:30!
All in all it was a sweet weekend. It was really fun to have sort-of a "last thing" of summer with some of my friends before we all separate. And P.S., if you've read this far down then thanks! This was a looooong blog, but there was just so much to talk about!

Two songs :)
Run - Benton Paul
Better Together - Jack Johnson

1 comment:

  1. What a fun trip! That is great you guys did something before you all go your separate ways:) You better start a fund for your concert habit now that you will be in Utah right in the middle of it all!! HA! Great pictures:)
