Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm Still Alive!

Hey everybody! I'm here. I'm alive. I'm still existing here in Provo. I might've blogged sooner but it honestly didn't seem like there was a whole lot to report. There still isn't a whole lot but I'll do some catching up here.
Classes are going awesome. Much better than b
efore. I think I should definitely enjoy this semester while I can because even though at first I was struggling, my classes really aren't that tough. I've improved a ton, it was all just about getting in the swing of things. If things go like they have been I might be able to pull off a 3.8 or so for the semester, so cross your fingers!
So while I'm still on the subject of classes, I have some other news! I changed my major. Yep, now I'm just like every other college student! Dang it. But that's ok! So at first I was in Business Pre-Management wanti
ng to go into either Marketing or Organizational Behavior/Human Resources. But the more I got into it the more I was having second thoughts. I started realizing that that kind of stuff wasn't really me, and wasn't really what I wanted. I could definitely learn to like it I know, but I wanted something I could really dive into and care about. So I did some looking around and decided that the Communication Disorders major sounded pretty dang awesome, and exactly what I wanted. If you don't know what that is then look it up, because I probably won't explain it right haha. So anyway I'm taking the intro class for it next semester; we'll see how it goes!:) I'm excited for it though.
Things outside of school have been going good too. I love my ward and I LOVE my fhe group and I've made some awesome friends
. At first it was hard because I didn't feel like myself for a long time, and I just kind of felt like I was existing. But now that I know more people and recognize more faces and have like...actual relationships with people, I feel so much more normal. My roommates are great - like I said, I got really lucky. LaChelle, the one I share a room with who is from IF, is really awesome. I'm super grateful for her and I feel like we've been friends for much longer than we have been! Good times:)
Hmm what else. I am insanely excited for Thanksgiving
. I've been anticipating this break to go home MUCH longer than I expected. I guess I'm more homesick than I thought;) But anyway, my plan was to leave tomorrow (Tuesday) but the weather has decided to be awesome and whip up a snowstorm at the exact time I would be driving. So I'll be leaving Wednesday morning instead:( I guess getting home 12 hours later will be worth not dying... But ya I'm excited to see all you guys and hang out!
I can't think of anything else, but here are some pictures t
hat have collected on my camera. Enjoy!

Our pumpkin for the ward party. See my name carved in the back? Yeah.

Awesome almost-sunset out my window. There's a lot more snow now!

I have a class in this building at the perfect time for it to look AWESOME when I walk up to it. The picture isn't nearly as good as real life. It's times like this I appreciate my school haha.

Ok explanation for the next ones: I needed my hair trimmed REALLY bad. I also am extremely low on money. Solution? LaChelle: "I'll cut it for you!" Haha she doesn't know how, but we both decided it was worth a try. How hard can it be...? So we went really slow...and she made sure to cut only a little bit off. It turned out not half bad!! The bad ends are gone, so other than that I'm not super picky. I don't have any 'after' pictures but here are some from the process...

Also, LaChelle has a friend that is a SUPER good photographer. He doesn't usually do people pictures but he did for us, so we took some roommate pictures (super cheesy, I know. But it was fun). So here's a few of them!

Anyway...things are goin good. I can't wait to see all you guys! Thanks so much for your love and for caring about me. See ya soon!:)


  1. Looks like fun! Glad you are staring to find your place there. You will have to explain what your new major is though. Not sure I get it!

  2. You guys are nerds! I love the roommate pictures! HA I am glad you are loving it down there and have a major you will enjoy! Can't wait to see you this weekend! Be safe on your drive up.......watch out for power poles, just sayin.

  3. I'm excited to see you this week! I love reading your blog and seeing your pictures. My favorite one is the "BYU" roommate one. Super fun! I love you lots and lots. D-R-I-V-E S-L-O-W. . .AND SAFE!!! (That's a mom thing)

  4. cute cute pictures Danny! Thanks for letting us hang out! It was truly needed and muchly appreciated! Good luck with finals the next few weeks and i'll see you at Christmas break! Love ya! =)
